Error Codes

Error codes

This page will help you quickly identify and resolve common issues by providing detailed explanations for each error code. Please refer to this guide whenever you encounter an error, and follow the recommended steps for resolution.

Error CodeCausePossible Solutions
400Wrong format or data in request bodyFor Solar APIs:
• Check if the JSON syntax of the request body is correct
• Check if all required keys exist in the request body
• Check if all the keys in the request body are correct
• Check if all the values in the request body are in correct types
• Check if all the values in the request body are correct
• Check if there is any typo!

For Document AI APIs:
• Check if the document file location is correct in the request body
• Check if the document file is the supported file format
• Check if the document file is less than 50MB
• Check if there is any typo!
401Invalid API key provided• Check if you set API key in your request header
• Check if Authorization header is in correct form - “Bearer API_KEY
• Check if your API Key is not deleted in Console
• Check if there is any typo!
403Insufficient creditYou have insufficient credit. Please register a payment method. (opens in a new tab)
404Wrong URL path• Check if your request path is correct
405Wrong URL path using http://- Use https:// instead of http://
429Too many requests in a specific time period• Check if you sending request more than its limit (opens in a new tab)
• If you want to increase the rate limit, please contact support (opens in a new tab)
500 / 502 / 503 / 504There was an error while processing your request• Retry your request after some time
• If you keep getting the error, please contact support (opens in a new tab)